
Support the arts!

We need your support

Kokandy Productions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. By making a tax-deductible gift to Kokandy Productions, you are assisting the advancement of musical theater in Chicago.

Click the 'donate' button to the right to use a major credit card to donate securely & directly through PayPal.

If you'd prefer to donate by check, you can make it out to "Kokandy Productions," and send it to the address below:
Kokandy Productions
1200 N. Ashland Avenue Suite 500 PMB 6011
Chicago IL 60622

Matching Gift Programs

Are you an employee of one of the companies below? Then you can double your donation using your company's matching gift program. Click the name of your company for more information on their program.

Even if your company is not listed above, it may still have a matching gift program. A larger list of companies with matching gift programs can be found here. If you need help applying for a matching gift program, feel free to email us at

This season is partially
supported by grants from: